If you haven’t been paying attention to the walls and the screen in the quad, you might not have been aware of a heart-stirring, emotional event coming up soon. The Drama class is putting on this year's choice for the spring play, Radium Girls, and chances are you’ve never heard about this play a day in your life. So let's catch you up on all that’s happening before you go and see it.
What is the play about?
Set in the 1910s-20s, Grace Fryer, Irene Rudolph, and Kathryn Schaub are three girls working at a factory painting clock faces with radium, a harmful element that was unassumingly used during this time period, with them even using their mouths to mold the brushes into fine points. As the story progresses, the girls start to notice they were getting sicker and sicker, with one coworker dying. The company they work for try to prevent the girls from telling this to news agencies and the play documents the power struggles between the working class and white collars of that era, some of those struggles still pouring over into the present day.
Who’s starring?
The main character, Grace Fryer, is Abbey Elwood, with Irene Rudolph and Kathryn Schaub being played by Ashlee Pilon and Jenny Richardson, respectively.
Other things to note
There are two acts in the play, with an intermission in the middle, making it 90 minutes to two hours. Showtimes are May 10-11 at 7pm and May 12 at 3pm in the MU. Make sure to bring a tissue and to experience the best the Clayton Valley drama program has to offer!